Spreadsheet compatible

Use Excel and Google Sheets

The solution is compatible with spreadsheets as Excel and Google sheets.
This means that you can copy from Excel/Google sheets into the solution/Forecast tab, and copy to Excel/Google sheets from the solution/Forecast tab.

Copy To/From Spreadsheet 

The below image shows the pop-up selection that appears when right-clicking a cell/area.
You can copy/paste single cells, marked ranges, and the whole table.

You can also use short-cut keys to copy/paste to/from spreadsheets, and also within the Forecast table.
'CTRL + C' to copy.
'CTRL + V' to paste.

Download the Forecast tab to Spreadsheet 

There are 2 main alternatives to download the whole Forecast tables.

a) Copy the whole Forecast table

To copy the whole table:  Simply right-click in the table, and in the pop-up that appears select 'Copy the whole table'. Then the whole table can be pasted into Google sheets, or Excel.

The below image shows the table pasted into Google sheets. The free area in this eaxmple is the area below row nr 13. The free area input and calculations are also included in the copying. If you have included formulas etc. on the Forecast table these formulas will also be copied and pasted into the Google sheets/Excel.

b) Download a CSV file - Which again can be uploaded into Google sheets/Excel

You can also select to download the whole Forecast table as a CSV file. See the image below.
The CSV file you download can then be opened in Excel and Google sheets. 

Possible formula errors when pasted into Excel/Google sheets

Please be aware that the setup you have on your Google Sheet and Excel may prevent all formulas to be displayed correctly, and if this happens you may need to manually update the formulas in the Google sheet/Excel to get them to work properly. 

Excel formula errors

To avoid formula errors in Microsoft Excel: Sometimes it is helpful to first copy the Forecast table into Google sheet, and then download the Google sheets as a Microsoft Excel.
On the Google sheet: File - Download - Microsoft Excel

Download small spreadsheet models

One can create small spreadsheet models inside the Forecast tab. 
If the Forecast table contain formulas these formulas will be inlcued in the copied/pasted data

To download the Forecast table you can either a) copy the whole table, or b) download the table as a CSV file - See above!

Show images of the process! ! 

Small spreadsheet models in the Templates

When you create a New analysis, in the New Analysis Wizard you can select to create a New analysis from a Template. Some Templates contain help calculations. When you copy the Forecast table the help calculations and text are included in the copeid data. Thus, when you paste that copied data into Google sheet/Excel you will also paste all the formulas, and the Google sheet/Excel will be as 
Link to templates: Templates

Please contact us if you have any ideas for new Templates with spreadsheet calculations.
You can contact us using the contaact form on this blog's bottom left menu, or send us an email: learnbn.com@gmail.com

Download Total Input and Output to Spreadsheet

On the Report tab you can